Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of complete and very practical answers. Don’t forget, our experts are best placed to answer your questions.
How long is the defensive driving course?
Our Defensive Driving Course is required by the state to meet a 6-hour length requirement. But remember, you can work through those 6 hours at whatever pace you choose, and you do not have to complete it all in one day. You must finish the course within 30 days of registration.
Is this course approved and accepted by both DMV and insurance companies?
Yes! Our New York Point & Insurance Reduction Program is state-approved by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to help you earn a 3-year, 10% insurance reduction.
Is an insurance discount mandatory after completion of this course?
Yes, it is! Anyone in New York who completes a PIRP (Point and Insurance Reduction Program) automatically qualifies for a 10% reduction on your premium. You will enjoy your discount for 3 years after course completion.
What material will be covered?
Each of your 12 courses focuses on a single topic that pertains to the applicable states driving and traffic laws.
A few of these topics include:
  • Highway safety
  • Alcohol- and drug-impaired driving
  • State traffic laws
  • Driving emergencies
  • Vehicle maintenance
Is there a final exam?
No! Once you complete the course, you are finished with the curriculum. No need to take a final exam.
Is there a time limit to complete this course?
The NY state DMV requires you complete your course within 30 days of registration for the purposes of point reduction or insurance discount. If you fail to complete your course within the 30-day time frame, a new course will be created and you must start from the beginning. No refunds may be given.
What if I'm taking the PIRP course for an insurance discount? Do you automatically report to my insurance company?
You will be responsible for reporting your course completion to your insurance carrier to receive the state-mandated 10% discount. We will send you a certificate of completion to submit to your insurance company.
How often can I take a PIRP course?
You can take the course every 18 months; this will reduce up to 4 points on your driving record.

You may also take a course once every 3 years (36 months) to maintain your lower insurance rate.
How many points does defensive driving take off in NY?
It can reduce up to 4 points from your driving record for points that have been incurred during the 18th month period prior to completing the course. If you have more than 4 points you can take the course every 18 months, each time reducing up to 4 points.
Programs - JB Safe Drivers
Programs - JB Safe Drivers

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